Get a Great Smile With Invisible BracesGet a Great Smile With Invisible Braces

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Get a Great Smile With Invisible Braces

Wearing braces used to involve large, ugly metal pieces stuck to your teeth. Many adults have rejected the idea of wearing braces because they felt they would look unprofessional or unattractive. Now there is a better way. I have been using invisible braces in my dental clinic for many years, and this blog will show you the variety of options you have for getting straighter teeth without traditional braces. Braces can now be completely clear, can be adhered to the back of you teeth, or can be used in the form of an invisible tray that fits over your teeth. Find out here how invisible braces can work for you.


3 Tips For Taking Care Of A Broken Filling Until You Can See Your Dentist

While eating something hard, you may have accidentally broken the filling in your tooth. Even if you have already made an appointment with your dentist, you may wonder what you can do until then. If so, use the following tips for taking care of a broken filling until you can see your dentist.

Rinse Your Mouth after Eating or Drinking

When you break a filling, the cavity in your tooth beneath the protective covering becomes exposed. Since the cavity provides a direct passage for food particles and bacteria to enter your tooth and potentially infect the pulp, you need to make sure you keep the tooth as clean as possible.

After eating or drinking anything, rinse your mouth with warm salt water to help clear away any food and kill any bacteria. Then, as soon as possible, brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush. Do not use a brush with hard bristles, as these could dislodge the already broken filling.

Soothe Discomfort with an Herbal Oil

Depending on how deep the cavity runs, the nerves inside your tooth may be exposed to air and food or liquid. Since the nerve is sensitive, you may have some discomfort or even sharp pain.

To help soothe your discomfort, coat the tooth with either clove or peppermint oil. Both oils help desensitize the nerve, bringing you some relief.

However, if you tend to have sensitive skin or gums, you may want to avoid using clove oil without a carrier oil to cut the intensity. Clove oil can cause irritation in some people. If you believe you may have a reaction, either cut it with olive oil or use the peppermint oil instead.

Cover the Tooth

As a further protective measure, try to keep the tooth covered until you see your dentist. One way to do this is to soak a gauze pad in salt water and keep it over your tooth.

However, if you do not want to keep having to replace the gauze, you can also create a temporary covering with a small ball of dental wax. Gently press it over the cavity to create the temporary filling.

Using the above tips can help minimize your discomfort and protect your tooth until you can have your filling fixed. However, since these are only meant as temporary solutions, make sure you keep the appointment with your dentist so they can repair your broken filling.